With their wide range of courses and affordable tuition, mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area open up a wealth of educational opportunities for young people in Hong Kong. Mainland schools are now admitting more and more Hong Kong candidates — to get the latest news on studying in the Greater Bay Area, be sure to watch this video.
2023-07-12| Jump Ming Pao
【內地大學升學資助計劃】新增兩間指定院校 港科大(廣州)納計劃 合資格港生最高可獲19,400元資助額(9.8截止申請)(Chinese only)
Detail2023-02-28| Jump Ming Pao
【大灣區升學。DSE考生內地升學意向調查】近28% DSE生擬內地升學 較去年同期微增 未考慮者多憂地理位置及學歷認受性 (Chinese only)
Detail2022-11-28| Ming Pao
【大灣區升學。2023/24學年內地高等教育展】周末起網上舉行 為期7日 共132間參與院校講解收生程序及相關資訊 (Chinese only)
Detail2022-10-18| Hong Kong Economic Times
【施政報告】港大學大灣區校園畢業生可申簽證 留港期限延至2年料2.3萬人合資格不設配額 (Chinese only)
Detail2022-07-17| Speak Out HK
【短片】【升學好出路】 教育及職業博覽緊接DSE放榜日開鑼 內地升學攤位成焦點 校長羅永祥:內地升學港生人數已追上英國 內地升學就業港生陳沅彤:大灣區機遇非常多 (Chinese only)
Detail2022-07-14| SCMP Young Post
Hong Kong’s Education Bureau releases itineraries for mandatory Citizenship and Social Development trip to mainland China
Detail2022-06-28| Global Times
HK university’s new campus in mainland to boost synergy in education, national identity among youth
Detail2022-06-23| Ming Pao
【大灣區升學。DSE引入異地同考】合資格內地港人子弟學校2024年起准原校考DSE筆試 專家料本地生「摘星」競爭更大 (Chinese only)
Detail2022-06-12| Taiwan News
Hong Kong Baptist University School of Business Inks MOU with the Institute of Compliance Officers (ICO) to Promote Compliance as a Discipline of Study and as a Professional Career
Detail2022-03-12| South China Morning Post
More than 40 per cent of Hong Kong secondary school graduates express ‘keen interest’ or ‘willingness’ to study at universities in mainland China, survey finds
Detail2021-12-14| Hong Kong Commercial Daily
港中大與港中大(深圳)簽署戰略合作框架協議 推大灣區高等教育和創新科技全面發展 (Chinese only)
Detail2021-09-15| South China Morning Post
Hong Kong, Macau young people in line for Beijing’s ‘big package of gifts’ offering nearly 60,000 job, exchange and internship opportunities
Detail2021-09-06| Hong Kong Economic Times
【大灣區】都會大學肇慶建校計劃延至最快2024招生 擬兩校學分互認並向分校畢業生發兩地證書 (Chinese only)
Detail2021-06-29| Global Times
The University of Hong Kong to set up campus in Shenzhen for greater development
Detail2021-05-24| Hong Kong Economic Times Limited