Interested in starting your own business? If you have an amazing idea that you would like to bring to life, the rapidly-developing mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area offer abundant opportunities and a market with enormous potential for your products and services. Learn more about the policies of these cities so you can start realising your dreams.
2023-05-03| Jump Ming Pao
【大灣區金融一體化】前海推45項新措施吸境外金融機構 港銀行設分行可獲1000萬元 鼓勵SPAC赴港上市 (Chinese only)
Detail2022-08-01| Ming Pao
【大灣區就業創業】灣區青年驛站最長免租7日 提供就業資訊指導等 港青批核條件較內地青年寬鬆(附各地青年驛站申請條件表) (Chinese only)
Detail2022-06-23| Hong Kong Economic Times
【南沙方案】發改委:南沙與港澳合作遠遠大於競爭 方案有利打造粵港澳全面合作重大戰略性平台 (Chinese only)
Detail2022-06-06| Hong Kong Economic Times
【大灣區】廣州發佈南沙新區「四鏈」融合政策體系 未來5年投入逾200億支持企業及人才 (Chinese only)
Detail2022-03-29| NewsPatrolling
“Hong Kong Smart Design, Sparkle in Greater Bay Area 2022” Now Open for Applications
Detail2022-02-24| Shanghai Daily
Chinese mainland's sci-tech cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao makes advances
Detail2022-01-25| Global Times
China issues special measures to ease market access in Shenzhen, in boost for GBA
Detail2021-09-15| South China Morning Post
Hong Kong, Macau young people in line for Beijing’s ‘big package of gifts’ offering nearly 60,000 job, exchange and internship opportunities
Detail2020-11-12| Asia Leadership Roundtable