The Greater Bay Area offers a wonderful variety of food, entertainment and lifestyle choices, while providing young people many opportunities to explore and broaden their horizons. In this video, we provide the latest information on policies supporting Hong Kong youth who wish to establish themselves in the mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area.
2022-05-04| Hong Kong Economic Times
【海天聯運】香港航空與珠江客運推「優悠通」計劃 可獲豁免飛機乘客離境稅及預辦登機托運手續 (Chinese only)
Detail2022-05-04| The Standard
Hong Kong Airlines launches "one-stop” sea-to-air service in partnership with Chu Kong Passenger Transport
Detail2022-04-23| People's Daily Online
Construction of Greater Bay Area achieves prominent progress
Detail2022-02-06| Yahoo News
Hong Kong sets stage for e-CNY use, to launch pilot 'soon after Spring Festival'
Detail2022-01-04| Hong Kong Economic Times
【大灣區】港中成藥經簡化程序獲准內地上市 2項香港製造產品獲批 陳肇始:有更多申請正在處理 (Chinese only)
Detail2021-11-23| The Fintech Time
Alipay (Macao) Launches Cross Border Payments to Pay over 25,000 Offline Merchants in Hong Kong
Detail2021-07-29| Hong Kong Economic Times Limited
【大灣區】深圳光明區向港澳台及外籍人才配租住房 每月每平方米租金$20人民幣 (Chinese only)
Detail2020-06-28| Hong Kong Monetary Authority